Meanderings of a mind during Lock-down 2020

  1. Meanderings of a Mind during Lockdown!!

It’s been more than 2 weeks since the lockdown was imposed by our government to counter the COVID -19 pandemic.
Praying to GOD to keep our beloved Earth and all populations across the globe, Safe, Healthy and Loved!
It’s such an unusual situation!
Nothing that has ever happened till date, not even the World Wars, must have disturbed the fabric of society the way the COVID19 Virus has managed to do.
It has churned the entire world, from East to West and North to South.
It has shaken all the nations and all the levels of Society, all businesses and all governments, the world over!
It has stirred all the families, the people and every relation within each family!
It has brought in open, the attitudes of people!
It has made each one question his/her own thought process and conduct in difficult times.
It has forced people to recognize the core necessities of life….not just life, but necessities for a peaceful life.
It has made us wonder if it’s all fake, this hustle bustle, rush and running of Urban society!
Hope it makes the rural population understand the difficulties of their kin who have been slogging in the cities and sending hard earned money to their loved ones in the village.
Hope it will force the migrants in the cities to accept that they were running behind an illusion of a happy life by slogging in the cities when they could have settled for a far happier and peaceful village life which was without any frills.
The lockdown has stirred the minds of all sections of society and has forced them to rethink their strategy towards making life happier!
It has forced the older generation and mainly the unwilling and not so tech-savy amongst them to appreciate the value and relevance of technology and its usefulness to Society in general.
Yet it has also made the netizens and the modern generation understand that Technology is of no value if the brain and the mind using the technology is devoid of compassion!
And now that God, for a while, has closed the doors of his abode to one and all, hope he will succeed in making the religious fanatics and zealots appreciate and recognize that God resides in the people more than in the temples/ masjids/churches/ gurudwaras etc.!
India is a unique country with a population of more than 100 crores, Its tradition, religious teachings and moral stories that we grew up listening to, all have been instrumental in shaping the minds of its citizens, making majority of us all, tolerant and resilient. Good sense was instilled in our minds and our personalities early on in life. All these factors together are helping us cope up with this large scale catastrophic pandemic.
One can see how the so called modern and developed countries are suffering and finding it difficult to cope up with this situation, despite having lesser population, despite having upgraded and well equipped medical infrastructure and modern facilities.
There are people in our country who, because of their less fortunate backgrounds and illiteracy behave foolishly and appear to lack the understanding to follow instructions.The exodus of migrants and the crowding of markets during lockdown being recent examples.
But it’s not only they who are to be blamed for this behaviour. Somewhere it’s also the city magnates and people in power who lacked the vision to understand the repercussions of a lockdown. Guess their thoughts didn’t percolate down to the lower strata of society at all when they took certain decisions.
Yet , I think that, in these trying times,we should leave their seemingly laid-back attitude behind, as it is an unprecedented situation and there were too many things and fronts on which the government had to take decisions and take them fast.!
All in all, one is forced to look within, rather than without, to find peace and solace in this chaotic situation.
Accepting the state of affairs and believing in the power of a higher force and having faith that it will do whatever is best for each one’s highest good will take us a long way.
Keeping calm and taking one day at a time, behaving the best we can and behaving correctly and honestly in all situations will make us stronger and I am sure we all will emerge out of this situation successfully and as better and wiser individuals.
It seems to me that God has created conditions which will make us all realize that LOVE and COMPASSION should be the driving forces of our lives, our behaviour, our decisions. It won’t be difficult to come to this realization after what we are going through at a personal level and after observing the experiences of the world around us!
Let God's grace be with all of us in these difficult times and let us all be able to conquer our personal demons and weaknesses too to ensure that we win this war!


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