Me and my schoolmates

Me and my schoolmates!

A decade of togetherness,
then the flock dispersed,
in directions… north, south, east n west.

A decade another passed by,
As some settled in life for good,
Some chose to be alone n aloof.
I too wondered about all the lot,
where they went and what they sought.
It was but a feeling so sacred,
To feel part of the flock that was.

Then came the magic wand,
of a site on the net… called facebook.
It returned me, to the good old days
I spent, in a tiny world called ‘SCHOOL’
And here I met my schoolmates, oh so many!

It brought me close to myself more than others,
because I found this stream of innocence,
within the depths of my conscience.
The stream, it lay there all these years,
deep below the layers of indifference
and worldliness that became part of me
as I made my way ahead in life.

These blessed souls that were once upon a time,
thrown together in a world called school,
they all shared a common wrap,
of times spend together while growing up.
They all are witnesses
of the ingenuousness in each other.
they all are bound together,
by the warmth of the same people,
be it our teachers, peons or ayyas,
whose fingers we held and put forward our baby steps,
into a world that was a stranger.

We all have grown into men n women,
many have embraced the roles much wider,
of being doting fathers and loving mothers,
or adoring aunts and admiring uncles,
of being stern bosses or reluctant employees
or of just being grown ups.

Yet when we post to each other
or meet up once in a while,
its always the child in us that jumps ahead,
to shake a hand or clasp a shoulder.
To relive and cherish our past,
we all congregate as a pure entity!
Let this sweet feeling of innocence,
always be a part of us all.
And like the fragrance of the incense stick,
may it always spread love and affection
to the entire world around !!


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