
Showing posts from April, 2014


FAITH Having faith in one self is to re-structure the thinking pattern of your brain to its original state… the way we are born with it… clear of all the doubts , fears and uncertainties.. thus setting a pattern of chemical reactions in it, which will help in utilizing its full potential… thus getting results which are surprising… positive and beyond regular expectations…. No miracles needed to set your life on the right path of progress… just believe in yourself, have faith and work hard!

Living life.....

Every single moment in life you are learning things, your  view points are being revised… you see things in different lights and hues… and you alone have to be the judge…and evaluate your own actions and gauge that of others… you alone have to weigh  and understand and differentiate the right from the wrong…. ! It is sometimes difficult and at times you end up with a paradigm shift in some of your own views regarding the worldly matters… though…. these kind of changes shouldn’t affect one as long as one’s own actions have been done with the purest and most honest and truthful intention and purpose….! Life will go on and it will give one the strength to stand up against the world… if ever need be… and face it with the conviction which springs out of one’s faith and belief in one’s own strength and integrity…!