
Showing posts from May, 2014

Transcend beyond the boundaries…

So close, yet so far…. The knowing, the understanding…! You touch the tip of realization… And then you fall back once again in the depths of the grey. ONE WONDERS… When will one cross the line and go beyond that boundary, where there is light? Where the wavelength of your mind, aligns with that of your heart? Where the heart leads your mind and your mind leads your heart, and both reach the same destination..! When your actions have the same purity as the sunshine and the same clarity of a raindrop, When you are just you, sans all the justifications you give….for your actions.. to your own self and to others… When the whole world is part of your being and you are the world inside out…! When you have the same considerate view for every wrong action done.. and for every right… When you become non-judgmental about others’ conduct and recognize… that there is always a story behind every sin and…every virtuous behaviour too! Whe