
Showing posts from September, 2010

Tempering of the soul!

Tempering of the soul! Actions and their interpretations, Actions and their reactions, Actions and their results……. One sometimes finds it difficult to interpret the interrelations between them all when there are unexpected turns to seemingly calm state of affairs! One questions oneself where one went wrong.. what was it that one did wrong. Was it an attitude problem or was it that one lacked the capacity to look at a problem in its entirety? One would never know! At such times one relies solely on god to show one the way to handle such difficult situations! One wonders why one invites such anger and animosity from others and has to face it when one expects it in the least! Why such surprising turn to events when things seem to be under control? One wonders what factors could possibly trigger such unpleasant situations. One asks god to to make oneself stronger and wiser to understand such ugly happenings. Though one also believes that such things happen for a larger good and take plac

Rays of sunshine!

RAYS OF SUNSHINE! Kids and pets are such a joy to have around! To me, both their kind are sun’s warmth personified. These bright rays of sunshine are such a wonder to be with. My life has surely brightened up ever since my pet dog, Jigli entered our lives. Ditto with my 3 and half year old niece! I think I am blessed to be able to witness and live all the wonderful moments with these two! I cannot explain or even describe the joy I feel when these two are around! The only word that comes to mind to explain the experience is ….purity! Jigli is such a pet… I mean literally! Imagine… this bundle of joy staring at you with innocence dripping from his eyes… . ! Every time I see those whirlpools of life, its like you are talking to God! Every time I cuddle him, I sense I am touching God! And I am not joking! And Ananya…. Oh my god! What a mix of qualities! Innocence, understanding……! One moment she’s full of mischief and the next she’s an absolute angel! Every passing moment with her bring